New extensive interview by Thee Brad Miller about my music project Gothick and the inspiration behind the new album, NU-HAD-RA : Visions Ov Liber Legis.
An extract, below:
To say I was thrilled to have Gothick as part of Kill Your Godz would be an understatement. I have been a fan of Gothick for some time, and was quite familar with Sean Woodward’s career long before Kill Your Godz was even a thought.
Gothick is one form that Sean Woodward’s art is channeled through. From the beginning Gothick has been heavily influenced by Crowley and Thelema. His musick often taking the feel of both craft and teacher… sort of a musickal “Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum”. I was honored to have the opportunity to interview Sean Woodward’s Gothick over the summer. The following is the product of that interview.
TheeBradMiller: Tell me about the New Liber Legis CD. It is taken from the trilogy of albums inspired by Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law. What made you decide to re-release some of this material.
Gothick: When the trilogy was originally released in 2008 ev under a Creative Commons license I had a lot of inquiries about a physical release. It seems even now some people prefer the tactile nature of real CDs! Originally I had intended to produce a 3-disk set to maintain the structure of the original albums – echoing the three chapters of Liber Legis. On reflection I decided to produce a single disk edition with extra tracks with new artwork.
Thee Brad Miller is a writer, filmmaker and poet interested in Musick, Chaos and Alcohol. Brad runs “The John Zewizz Appreciation Society” website (devoted to the lead singer of Sleep Chamber). His other sites include, “The Other Sound”, “Kill Your Godz” and “Because God Told Me To Do It”. Brad was born in Great Falls, Montana to a British Jewish father and Thai mother. While he was quite young, his mother moved back to Thailand to live permanently, and he and his father, sister moved to San Francisco, CA. to live on their own. It was in San Francisco that his father, Chaim, became obsessed with the Freemasons and made enough connections within the masonic order to obtain a position on the Trilateral Commission by the mid 1970′s. This position took his dysfunctional family to the East coast where he attended school. Brad worked during the early 90′s as a dancer at several go-go bars in the state of New Jersey where his look and personality were obviously very special by Jersey go-go bar standards. Brad says he is happy “making it this far with no real talent.”