• Erzulie

    The subject of Sean Woodward’s Erzulie of the Deep should not be confused with her sister Loa, Sirene. In this devotional booklet we follow the story of a young boy who is wronged by his family, offered up for adoption but who finally sees justice.

    These are themes which are dear to Erzulie, for she is a protector of children and is also an instrument of retribution. The booklet merges this narrative with devotional prayers and examples of the author’s own shrines of Erzulie, which become ever more elaborate with the passing of time and the acknowledgement of the mysteries that she brings to us.

    It is fitting therefore that Hadean Press have also created an Altar Edition, which is a compact and hand-bound volume, complete with leather covers and fine marbled end papers. This is the booklet that now rests below the shrine of Erzulie depicted in the book itself. As only a small number of these have been created, it is sure to quickly become a much sought-after item.

    The Guides to the Underworld edition of the booklet is less compact but much more legible. It is a product of the Voudon Gnostic initiatory process and whilst focussing firmly on the Erzulie of traditional Haitian Voodoo, it is wrapped in the nuances of the esoteric.

    In the First-Year papers of the Monastery of the Seven Rays, Master Aquarius reminds us that “Gran Erzulie has within Her the principles of duality”. In this manner she is closely linked to her son Leghba and together they form a duality based upon the solar and lunar forces. In another section she is described as the “Loa-Syzgea Luna in Taurus” which itself is ruled by Venus. In respect of theCreole Cabalashe is related to the Master of the Western Cross, who is “Leghba as the Virgin of the World, or Erzulie, the goddess of natural psychism.”

    Once again, this duality of Leghba is perhaps a difficult concept for the average student to grasp, but it is echoed in The Twins of the Ritual Design who are also associated with the Western Cross. Whilst theCreole Cabalais a subject worthy of its own comment, these examples should be enough to show that the frequencies of the Loa, or Law, Erzulie are far more complex than is suggested in the traditional understanding of Voodoo and demonstrates some of the inner esoteric teachings that are associated with her.

    The booklet is also an example of talismanic art inspiring a connection and devotional attitude within its viewer. Hadean Press says “this publication came about when I saw the Erzulie painting which graces the cover of the pamphlet. I asked Sean if he would care to write something to go along with the painting, and he very kindly agreed.” It demonstrates the way in which talismanic art can unfold and each piece can inspire a devotional work that does not simply explain its contents but opens the world held within.

    Kyle Fite, in his essay Vessels of Vision: The Gnostic Artist As Magician Of The Crossroads,understands this aspect well when he states that “the Art of Sean Woodward in which aesthetic content is put into ritual use.” This is further underlined by Michael Bertiaux who writes that “The Gnostic Artist is also a magician for he materializes thought forms in all that he does.”

    The booklet is arranged in small chapters titled with tarot card names. These are important not simply because they relate to the gypsy fortune-teller met early in the work, but because the tarot trumps are themselves portals into other dimensions. They also have a personal connection to the author who has designed several decks himself, including theGholem Tharot, Carrefour Tarot and Tarot of the Emissary (all available at

    It also seeks to redress a balance in the Western Hermetic magic as there is scant reference to the Voodoo mysteries and certainly no obvious signs in the tarot themselves.

    In the works of the English magician Aleister Crowley, there is only the reference to “the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword” in his holy book, Liber Legis. These are clearly terms which refer more to the Caribbean traditions, than those of Haiti and reflects the extent to which these were known in Crowley’s time.

    The pamphlet also contains an extensive Bibliography which acts as a jumping-off point for those readers seeking to learn more about the mysteries of Erzulie, together with a history of the author, Sâr Sean Woodward, a gnostic bishop and Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua & La Couleuvre Noire.

    Erzulie of the Deep is available now from Hadean Press at

    The deluxe altar edition is now SOLD OUT

    June 10th, 2019 | admin | 1 Comment | Tags: , ,

About The Author

Sean Woodward is a British artist, writer and musician. His art is collected internationally and his essays, fiction and poetry have been published in a number of international publications. He is the author of A Grammar of Spirits, Keys to the Hoodoo Kingdom, ARCHONIX, NECRONIX, Erzulie of the Deep, The Grimoire of ZAL and co-author of The Infernal Faces of Hekate. AEONIX and Keys to the Voudon Kingdom are forthcoming from

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  • Theodore Butler 06.10.2019

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