My CARREFOUR TAROT revised and reviewed
  • Carrefour Tarot booklet

    The Carrefour Tarot now includes a 20 page booklet with the history of the deck and behind the scenes sketches, photographs and testimonials from users.

    The deck is an interpretation of the Creole Cabala Tarot of the Year One Monastery of the Seven Rays papers by Michael Aquarius.

    Available in the Store now as Carrefour Tarot

    or the booklet seperately  (a printed version to fit the tarot box and a PDF) for those who own the original edition Booklet Only

    Andrew Dixon - Carrefour Altar
    ‘Carrefour Tarot & Altar’ Photograph courtesy of Andrew Dixon

    The Tarot of the Emissary and Carrefour Tarot

    Just at a glance, these two decks by Sean Woodward seem to glow with their own powerful radiations of the many worlds where dwell the Lwa. Their wild though precise lines, slashes, and hues, convey what these cards became for me: more than just another tarot deck, or a set of “oracle cards”, even though they are that too! However, these incontrovertible and genius works of art are certainly much more, so much more, than “fortune tellers”. The magickal potential of these decks is almost without limit. 

    Mr. Woodward has painstakingly manifested each of these cards, one by one, and so they are infused not only with the power of the Lwa, the gods, and the Hoo & Doo Spirits, but with his own psychic radiations and ojas, skillfully projected into each image, each line, each backdrop, by this adept and –accredited– Master, and infusing them all with the extensive quantum knowledge of an experienced sorcerer and mystic. Thusly, in every way, you are in good hands!

    I have yet to work in a strictly “divine forecasting” way with these true Emissaries of the Gnosis, but not for lack of understanding or interpretation –meaning– of the cards (as they convey meaning immediately), but because “they called” for a different form of communication. And I agreed. These are truly Mystical Machines, or Gnostic Technology. Entire rituals, spells, Gnostic Masses, and meditations (such as the usual “scrying”) can be created with them! And this has been my preferred method of communication with the cards; thus achieving contact with Atlantean Beings of the Outer Worlds, Transplutonian Extraterrestrials, Lwa, and even Spirits from my own Ontic Sphere; including the very spirits indwelling in each card. 

    For me, these gorgeous cards have been, in and of themselves, the perfect guides on the Voudon Gnostic Path of ascension –bar none.

    These are powerful tools and allies of the sorcerer, the mage, the mystic. For these three states of the Gnosis are the divine fuel for these engines, spaceships, and doorways to function and come to life with their beautiful Dark Magicks. You conduct your magickal experiments in a mystical and Gnostic symbiosis, where you and the cards evolve, together, ever higher, until you are at the very steps of the Palace of the Lwa. And this has been my experience with, and my interpretation of, these powerful Supercomputers of the Gnosis and the Spirit.


    Dr Arturo Royal 

    July 31st, 2016 | admin | 3 Comments | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

About The Author

Sean Woodward is a British artist, writer and musician. His art is collected internationally and his essays, fiction and poetry have been published in a number of international publications. He is the author of A Grammar of Spirits, Keys to the Hoodoo Kingdom, ARCHONIX, NECRONIX, Erzulie of the Deep, The Grimoire of ZAL and co-author of The Infernal Faces of Hekate. AEONIX and Keys to the Voudon Kingdom are forthcoming from

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