His Holiness, the XIV Dalai Lama is currently visiting Nottingham, UK. Whilst only having opportunity to experience the opening weekend’s talks, I was driven to much contemplation. In celebration of His Holiness’ visit to the UK, I’m working quickly to get my 1992, Tibet-inspired collection of spoken poetry and music, Winds of Karma, re-released with a new title, material and booklet.
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Star Vajra
lost in counting constellations
awake to the suffering of space’s inhabitants
i rise to the dark thunderstar vajra lightning
making its splinter mark upon me
whispering the secrets of a vanishing world
between the pieces of wisdomsewn into my being.
lost in the words of His Holiness
taken to the summit of a distant mountain
i rise to the stark wonderof star vajra lightning
taking its tantra to my heart
turning crystal and diamond and stupa sharp
i rise to the arkof a star vajra rainbow.
lost in the twisting maze, made of all my actions
trying to escape the echoes of all my ways
i rise to see the mark upon mestar vajra lightning
embroided into my being, an endless knot
breathing with the interconnectedness
of all beingsfreeing my consciousness
to drift amid a million constellations
awake to the breaking of existence’s bonds
i take the long exposureof star vajra lightning
like a pulsar
in the heart of the universe.