Sometimes I make shiny words, dark swamp music, sparkling black photography and art.
Some of it you can buy, some of it’s free. You’ll find SF, speculative fiction, paranormal fiction, steampunk, cyberpunk, gothic, rock, blues, world, fusion, metal, black and white photography, colour photography and an assortment of other creative items for you to explore here at www.seanwoodward.com.
“An unmistakable authority” is how Glyn Hughes, the acclaimed novelist, poet and artist described my own ability as a poet. You can read some of my work that he enjoyed in the collection Verbal Narcotics.
I have written tutorials, technology and management articles, covering subjects such as Photoshop, Windows icon design, time management and motivation. My work has been published in Plumes – le magazine de l’ecriturenet du stylo, Staple, Poetry Nottingham, First Time, The Rialto, Inkshed, Leicester Haymarket, Shadow Phoenix, Moonstone, La Vache, Folio, East Midlands Arts Mailout, Aabye’s Baby, PC Format, Digital PhotoFX, Mac Art & Design and Computer Arts. My article Stone Circles of Derbyshire was published in Sunpath. My article Phoenix in the Attic was published in Staple. Fragments of fiction from the Death Codex ,Crystal Parliament and Cabal series have been published in Estronomicon magazine.
Kindle editions of my poetry are available from Amazon. Stories from the Death Codex, Crystal Parliament and Cabal series are forthcoming for Kindle.